Day 144 - The Masterpiece begins

January 17, 2019
Masterpiece Next React

My Masterpiece


Last week I started my masterpiece :o! I was probably over discreet in my last post on what it is, so I shall describe it further here.

So during my first month at HolidayCheck I participated in an off-site hackathon with my PPM team where we created a web game, but back then I knew nothing, so my participation was minimal.

During my business phase rotation I spent a week with the digital marketing team and got to know the people that run social media marketing. They showed me how they run the HolidayCheck social media accounts and how they analyse the posts, to see what works and doesn’t work. And in the past they have created some online Facebook/Instagram quizzes to interact with the Urlauber.

So last month, when talking with my PPM, we came up with the idea of trying to make the game from the hackathon a viral game.

The only issue is that, it requires A LOT of new knowledge and technologies. But I feel that this is something not ventured into before and could have a benefit to HolidayCheck by increasing the our presence on Social Media, and create a fun user experience for the Urlauber.

The Plan

I’ve made milestones that allow me to reach my MVP and then further steps from there to polish the product and add more functionality. But as always, the first thing is learning the technologies.

Learn the Technologies

I’ve never touched frontend before, so for the last month I have been teaching myself the basics in:

But still have to learn:

Create the MVP

Now I am creating the the game itself. Rather slowly, as I’ve never had to do any frontend or HTTP routing before and so have very little knowledge on how to structure such a thing.

Although I am getting a lot of satisfaction in trying to work it out for myself and embracing those ‘penny drop’ moments. The MVP is the completed game in its simplest form deployed on the development server with tests and a deployment pipeline.

Get Marketings Feedback

After the MVP is made, I shall present the game to marketing and see what they think and whether they have any feedback and improvements from their marketing perspective.

Develop Further

Then after that, I can work on further implementation such as integrating it with social media platforms and maybe some cool CSS graphics.

Today I learnt snapshot testing using Jest and I shall write about it in tomorrows post :).

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